2018-19 Grant Projects Complete

By | September 25, 2019

The 2018-19 Open Educational Resources grant projects are complete. For project descriptions, see the 2018-19 OER Grants Final Report. To review the OER created by grantees, visit the 2018-19 Grant Cohort Folder in OER Commons.

The 2018-19 grant program began with 53 projects funded by HB 2729 and by the Community College and Workforce Development (CCWD) office of the Higher Education Coordinating Commission on the recommendation of the Oregon Community College Distance Learning Association. The CCWD funded 15 additional projects in Fall 2018 to support the Oregon Transfer Compass program legislated by HB 2998.

The 68 OER grant projects in the 2018-19 cohort represent 19 institutions and saved nearly 8,000 Oregon students an estimated $1.2 million in the pilot year of the program, approximately $2.50 in student savings for each $1 of grant money spent. Beyond the pilot phase it is expected that these fully accessible and openly licensed course materials will be used more widely and increase the student savings impact.

Congratulations to our grantees and thank you for your hard work!

By the numbers


# of Grant Projects

Funds Awarded

Students Reached

Estimated Pilot Year Savings

Estimated Pilot Year Savings Per $1 Spent

1: Adopt 22 $38,485.97 2288 $309,528.70 $8.04
2: Maintenance 3 $9,710.00 709 $133,711.00 $13.77
3: Interactives  7 $28,982.30 657 $110,069.50 $3.80
4: Revise/Remix  12 $76,974.40 1846 $337,012.02 $4.38
5: Author  14 $170,722.42 1162 $136,991.50 $0.80
6: Other  10 $174,209.39 1263 $210,526.30 $1.21
Grand Total 68 $499,084.48 7925 $1,237,839.02 $2.48

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