2023-25 OER Grants Awarded

By | September 29, 2023

The 2023-25 Open Oregon Educational Resources grants have been awarded. Congratulations to our new cohort of grantees!

Taken together, the 24 projects include 15 institutions and have the potential to save over 10,000 Oregon students approximately $1.5 million during the two-year grant period. This represents an estimated impact of $5.90 in savings for each $1 of grant money spent. Beyond the pilot phase it is expected that these fully accessible and openly licensed course materials will be used even more widely and increase the student savings impact.

Many thanks to the Oregon Community College Distance Learning Association, the Community Colleges and Workforce Development office of the Higher Education Coordinating Commission, and the Higher Education Coordinating Commission General Fund for this grant funding, and to the members of the Grant Evaluation Committees for their teamwork in evaluating the grant proposals.



Course Team Members Institutions About
ABS7MPC, ABS7WPC, ABS7MBDS Lisa Hillyard Mt. Hood Community College The Language of Math for Language Learners
ANTH 103 Lincoln DeBunce Blue Mountain Community College Cultural Anthropology for the Quarter System: An Open Education Remix
BI211, BI212, BI213 Julia Mabry Clatsop Community College Adopt Principles of Biology (https://openoregon.pressbooks.pub/mhccmajorsbio/) and Openstax Biology 2e (https://openstax.org/details/books/biology-2e)
Biology 121 and Biology 122, Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology Parts I and II Rachel Sanchez Thwing, Mark Wagner, Zach Ellsworth, Shannon Kelsey, Sandy Neps, Katri Laukkanen Portland Community College Lab materials for Anatomy & Physiology
CG111: Study Skills for College Learning James Gapinski, Kara Huynh Stone, Suzanne Hesse Portland Community College Redesign College Success Department courses
COMM 219 Kendra Rivera Lane Community College Case study to pair with Small Group Communication: Forming & Sustaining Teams https://pressbooks.pub/smallgroup/
ENG 104 Leigh Hancock, Tori Stanek Columbia Gorge Community College Literature of Fiction
ESOL 010 and ESOL 020 Sara Packer, Sarah Bauer, Lara Mendicino Portland Community College READERS for ESOL Literacy-Level 1-Level 2
ESOL160/160N Timothy Krause, Santiago Gustin Portland Community College Skills-based book with a STEM theme about 10 inventions that changed the world for an intermediate (level 6 of 8) ESOL 160/160N Reading class.
EXS 230: Foundations of Exercise Science Jennifer Taylor-Winney, Sue Kunda, Laura Ellingson-Sayen Western Oregon University Adapt Introduction to Kinesiology by Weston Titus: https://merlot.org/merlot/viewMaterial.htm?id=773416666.
FR 101, 102, 103, 201, 202, 203 Stephanie Roulon, GG Blattner Portland State University, Florida Atlantic University Develop #OnYGo and #OnYGo+ for French first- and second-year curriculum
FYE 100 College Success Stevy Scarbrough Umpqua Community College Remix for College Success course
FYS 207 Melissa Kelley, Amy Dawson Western Oregon University Adopt OpenStax College Success https://openstax.org/details/books/college-success
HE 242 Stress and Human Health Rachelle Katter, Michael Meagher, Elizabeth McGlasson, Toni Veeman, Valerie LaRosa, Meagan Laszlo, Portland Community College, Portland State University Create an open course for HE 242 Stress and Human Health at Portland Community College (PCC) and PHE 275 Stress Management at Portland State University (PSU).
HHP 295 Health and Fitness Daniel Montoya Central Oregon Community College Adopt Disease Prevention and Healthy Lifestyles hhtps://library.achievingthedream.org/monroecchealthed/
LING 144 Keli Yerian, Rayne Vieger, Liz Pearce, Bibi Halima, Student Workers University of Oregon, Linn-Benton Community College Use an Open Pedagogy approach to allow lower-division students in LING 144 Learning How to Learn Languages to develop a much-needed, coherent set of open educational online materials for this course.
MTH 050, MTH 080 Morgan Chase Clackamas Community College Update https://openoregon.pressbooks.pub/techmath/
PE 295 Susan Milln, Rebekah Soencer-Sims, Valerie Limbrunner-Bartlett, Mark Spaziani, Ted Schatz, Michael Boggs Portland Community College Revise previously grant-funded OER for Health and Fitness for Life
PH 213 Paul Emigh, Rebecka Tumblin, Danielle Skinner, Kathryn Hadley, David Bannon Oregon State University Create OER that (1) aligns with modern pedagogy, (2) incorporates diverse resource types, and (3) focuses on inclusion.
PHL 201 Masyn Phoenix Tillamook Bay Community College Adopt OpenStax Introduction to Philosophy https://openstax.org/details/books/introduction-philosophy
RUS 201-202 Lara Ravitch University of Oregon Create ancillaries to pair with Mezhdu Nami https://mezhdunami.org/
STAT 243z Rachel Webb Portland State University Revised eition of Mostly Harmless Statistics- http://www.MostlyHarmlessStatistics.com
WR121Z Justin Jory Central Oregon Community College Author OER for WR121Z that is situated in current writing studies scholarship and responsive to new state-wide course title, description, and outcomes.
WR121Z and WR122Z Marta Wozniak Southwestern Oregon Community College Redesign writing sequence with OER

Community College OER Grant Committee

Funding for community college OER grants is provided by the Community Colleges and Workforce Development office of the Higher Education Coordinating Commission.

Phoebe Daurio, Grant Project Manager, Open Oregon Educational Resources
Julie Downing, Central Oregon Community College, Council of Instructional Administrators
Amy Hofer, Statewide Open Education Program Director, Open Oregon Educational Resources
Michelle Huss, Portland Community College, 2021-23 Grant Cohort
Maribel Pagan, Klamath Community College, Oregon Community College Library Association
Phyllis Petteys, Portland Community College, Oregon Association of Higher Education and Disability
Michael Weissenfluh, Tillamook Bay Community College, Oregon Community College Distance Learning Association

Community College & University OER Grant Workgroup

Funding for transfer degree grants is provided by the Higher Education Coordinating Commission General Fund.

Jason Bryant, University of Oregon, Instructional Designer
Stefanie Buck, Oregon State University, University Representative
Tim Krause, Portland Community College, 2021-23 Grant Cohort
Noelle Ebert, Southwestern Oregon Community College, Oregon Community College Library Association
Amy Hofer, Statewide Open Education Program Director, Open Oregon Educational Resources
Taryn Oakley, Portland Community College, 2021-23 Grant Cohort
Rayne Vieger, University of Oregon, University Representative


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