Archived Webinar: Equity and Open Education Faculty Panel

By | March 8, 2023

Faculty often assume that their course is more equitable when they adopt affordable materials, and it is true that affordable materials remove a significant barrier to success. However, an open license does not ensure that the course materials or course design are inclusive of the diverse students in our classrooms. Jen Klaudinyi, Faculty Librarian at Portland Community College, developed the Equity and Open Education Faculty Cohort curriculum to address this issue.

Jen is joined by panelists Laura Sanders, English Faculty Member, and Karina Bjork, Professor of Communication, Portland Community College; Kari Goin, Senior UX Designer, Portland State University; Trish Styer, Assistant Professor, Business Administration, Southern Oregon University; and Laura Boehme, Chief Information/Human Resources Officer, Central Oregon Community College, each of whom has adopted open educational practices with an equity lens, including universal design, cultural relevance, and diverse perspectives.



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