Archived Webinar: OER 101: Getting Started with Open Educational Resources

By | March 6, 2023

Are you interested in exploring OER for your course, but don’t know where to start? In this webinar, you will be introduced to the basics of open educational resources (OER), free and openly licensed materials that you can adapt to fit your course’s needs. In addition to building a foundational understanding of what OER are and how they can be used, participants will leave with a greater understanding of how to find, evaluate, and integrate OER into a course.

Abbey's headshotAbbey K. Elder is the Open Access & Scholarly Communication Librarian at Iowa State University, and the chair of her institution’s Open & Affordable Education Committee. Her work empowers instructors to find, adopt, or create open educational resources (OER) for their courses. In addition to her institutional projects, Abbey has served on the Iowa Open Education Action Team (Iowa OER) since its creation in 2018, through which she provides support for colleges across the state of Iowa interested in supporting open education work at their institutions.



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