Unlimited and free access to course materials, relevant and customizable resources for your students, and an ever-expanding global community of practice – sounds great, right? Ariana Santiago, Head of Open Education Services at the University of Houston Libraries, will lead an introductory session on open educational resources and practices, exploring the discovery, revision, remixing, and creation of new open materials, along with how to connect with the larger community to dive deeper into the world of open education.
Ariana Santiago is the Head of Open Education Services at the University of Houston Libraries, where she provides leadership for the advancement of open education to support student success. She collaborates on the development of services and resources that support the adoption and creation of open educational resources, including through open pedagogical practices. Ariana is a graduate of the SPARC Open Education Leadership Program and served as a mentor for the program, and is a presenter for the ACRL Roadshow on OER & Affordability. Prior to working in open education, Ariana was an instruction librarian focusing on information literacy for undergraduate students.