Archived webinar: Using Student Outcomes Data in OER Courses

By | March 13, 2019

As OER programs mature, we’re starting to get more data on student outcomes – and not all of the results are positive. What do you do with the data when it shows that a course needs instructional design intervention? Jennifer Lantrip and Quill West describe how they have approached faculty with student outcomes data and discuss course improvement beyond the initial switch to OER. This process includes considering who might be able to best make use of the results to make improvements, building and maintaining trust with faculty, discovering issues and possible solutions through conversation, and considering changes to improve the OER adoption process for the future.

Jennifer Lantrip is Research & Instruction Librarian and OER advocate at Umpqua Community College. She is a 2017-18 OER Research Fellow for the Open Ed Group and draws from her research from the Open Oregon 2017 OER Research Group.

Quill West is the Open Education Project Manager at Pierce College and the President of CCCOER. Quill works with faculty at Pierce to realize their best possible open courses.

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