Archived webinar: We’re In This Together: Better Library-Bookstore Relationships for Student Academic Success

By | February 2, 2018

There’s a perception that academic librarians and their campus bookstore colleagues have an adversarial relationship. Librarians may think the store will oppose efforts to introduce textbook affordability strategies. Bookstore managers may believe the library seeks control of the provision of course learning material. The reality is that both share common ground in supporting student academic success. Guest presenter Steven Bell discusses current academic library trends, why academic librarians are open advocates and how the library mission is changing from content delivery to the support of learning, creative digital research and radical collaboration for openness in higher education. Steven will share findings from his research on the relationship between academic libraries and college bookstores.

Steven J. Bell is the Associate University Librarian at Temple University. He writes and speaks about academic librarianship, textbook affordability, learning technologies, library leadership, higher education, design thinking and user experience. Steven is a past-president of ACRL. He currently writes at Designing Better Libraries, a blog about design thinking and library user experiences. He authors weekly columns for Library Journal Academic Newswire, “From the Bell Tower” and “Leading From the Library”. He is co-author of the book “Academic Librarianship by Design” and editor of the book “Crucible Moments: Inspiring Library Leadership.”

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  1. Pingback: Ideas for Building a Better Relationship with Your Campus Bookstore | From the Bell Tower

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