Cable Green Keynote

By | April 30, 2015

On March 4, 2015, Chemeketa Community College hosted Cable Green as a keynote speaker. He repeated his keynote talk on March 13, 2015, at the Blue Mountain Community College Regional OER Conference. If you weren’t able to attend these events, you can watch his talk here.

Open Education: The Moral, Business & Policy Case for OER

The Internet, increasingly affordable computing, open licensing, open access journals and open educational resources provide the foundation for a world in which a quality education can be a basic human right. Yet before we break the “iron triangle” of access, cost and quality with new models, we need to develop sustainable open business models with open policies: public access to publicly funded resources.

Dr. Cable Green, Director of Global Learning at Creative Commons, will discuss specific examples where institution, provinces / states and nations have built effective business cases for OER. He will also explore how to build effective teams for institution / system-wide OER projects in a way that both builds high quality OER and takes your institutions through the cultural shift to open educational resources.


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