Oregonians at 2021 Cascadia Open Ed Summit

By | May 27, 2021

Oregon community college and university representatives attended the 2021 Cascadia Open Education Summit. This event was hosted by BC Campus with regional cosponsors California State University, Office of the Chancellor; Open Oregon Educational Resources; and the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. This free digital conference explored innovation, research, and best practices in open education around the theme of “Regional influence. Global impact.”

Oregonians were represented on the program. Here are the abstracts and presentation materials created by our colleagues:

Keynote: Making Space – Disrupting Ableism with Open Practices, Kaela Parks (Portland Community College)
In many ways, open educational practices are about consciously and creatively making space. By opening our practices we can not only center voices and viewpoints that have historically been quieted or even silenced, but also create space for ways of being that have been discouraged or even disallowed. In this keynote, we will explore ideas around what it means to make a space that is not just technically accessible, but accessible in practical ways. We will explore what it means to go beyond guidelines and standards to get at the deeper issues and aspects of education that have historically pushed some people out.
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Using Backwards Design to Remix Open Education Resources in LibreTexts, Chelsea Gustafson (Oregon Institute of Technology)
Backwards design was used to develop a remixed textbook on the platform LibreTexts. The content used in the textbook includes material from OpenStax, YouTube, and PhET simulations. This is a success story in building a custom-tailored and interactive open-access undergraduate text.
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Open by Design: Reducing Access Barriers to OER with Universal Design Principles, Stewart Baker (Western Oregon University)
Universal design is the practice of designing buildings, documents, and other objects in a way that is accessible to as many people as possible. This presentation will show how universal design principles can be applied to OER to further reduce access barriers to scholarly materials.
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Representing the Underrepresented: Adding Culturally Responsive and Anti-Racist Content to Your Course Materials and OERs, Cara Lee & Jess Brooks (Portland Community College)
See concrete examples of diverse representation in a math for liberal arts OER, including biographies, names, pronouns, racial context, and more. Collaborate with others to generate ideas for your field, then work on your own course materials. Leave with ideas and work towards furthering equity and inclusion in your course materials.
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