Archived webinar: Equity and Open Education Faculty Panel

By | March 10, 2021

Faculty often assume that their course is more equitable when they adopt affordable materials, and it is true that affordable materials remove a significant barrier to success. However, an open license does not ensure that the course materials or course design are inclusive of the diverse students in our classrooms. Jen Klaudinyi, Faculty Librarian at Portland Community College, discusses her design of the Equity and Open Education Faculty Cohort professional development course.

Jen is joined by panelists Tanya Mead, Education Faculty Co-chair at Portland Community College; Andrea Goering, Instructor of Physics and Astronomy at Lane Community College; Steve Owen, Writing Instructor at Lane Community College; and Andy Gurevich, Instructor of Composition, Ancient Literature, & Mythology at Mt. Hood Community College, each of whom has adopted open educational practices with an equity lens, including universal design, cultural relevance, and diverse perspectives.

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