This webinar will cover questions about copyright and open licensing that come up in three different stages of engagement with OER. First, we’ll cover the foundational knowledge: basic copyright law, CC license types, and particularly, what restrictions the Non Commercial condition places on the use of works. From there, we’ll move on to questions and common challenges that come up in adaptations, updates, remixes and translation of OER, like the implications of No Derivative and Share Alike terms for remixed or adapted OER. Finally, the session will address questions about fair use and attribution for existing third party copyrighted works, such as quotations, excerpts, and illustrations that authors often grapple with during the creation of new OER.
Presenter Meredith Jacob is Project Director, Creative Commons USA, American University Washington College of Law.
This webinar takes place from 1-2 pm Pacific time, March 2, 2020. The session will be recorded and captioned to share later.
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