Grant Project Update: A Different Road to College adapted at Chemeketa

By | December 3, 2019

One of the advantages of openly licensed course materials is that they can be customized to meet the needs of instructors and students. An open college success textbook created at Lane Community College in Eugene has been adapted for Chemeketa Community College up the road in Salem.

Alise Lamoreaux, Lane Community College, teaches Transitioning To College For Non-Traditional Students (often called CG 100). After participating in an open textbook review workshop, Alise realized that none of the available open textbooks for her course were relevant to her student population because they were written with the assumption that college students would be 18 years old. To meet this need, Alise applied for and received a 2016-17 OER grant to author the open textbook A Different Road To College: A Guide For Transitioning To College For Non-traditional Students. Chapters from A Different Road to College were remixed into Dave Dillon’s award-winning open textbook, Blueprint for Success in College and Career.

A Different Road to College has now been adapted into a Chemeketa Community College Edition by Grecia E. García Pérez and Ashley C. Duran-Fajardo. Grecia was herself a non-traditional student. While assigning chapters of the book in her Student Leadership Development class, Grecia found that students were supplementing Alise’s book by researching how the services mentioned are accessed at Chemeketa. Ashley is a first-generation, non-traditional Chemeketa student. She helped with this revised edition and also came up with ideas for new chapters based on services that students should be aware of in order to succeed at Chemeketa. The short video below features Grecia and Ashley talking about their edition of the book.

Congratulations Grecia, Ashley, and Alise!


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