Grant Project Update: ESOL materials at Chemeketa and PCC

By | November 21, 2018

Genevieve Halkett, Davina Ramirez, and Amy Hofer presented at the Oregon Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages 2018 Fall Conference: Navigating Change in TESOL. Link to presentation slides: Open Educational Resources in ESOL: Approaches and Opportunities.

Genevieve Halkett, ESOL Instructor, Chemeketa Community College, is a member of the 2018-19 OER Grant Cohort. She teaches the C1 (Intermediate) Listening and Speaking Course, designed for high-intermediate ESL students who need to develop better listening comprehension and oral skills. Genevieve’s materials focus on classwork and projects that help learners produce accurate and intelligible English while becoming more comfortable listening to rapidly spoken English in both vocational, community, and academic contexts. She facilitates students’ interaction outside the classroom, involves scaffolded use of technology and college resources, and employs authentic, non-copyrighted materials. Her openly licensed course materials will be ready to share in the spring.

Davina Ramirez, ESOL Instructor, Portland Community College, is working on many projects this year as a member of the 2018-19 OER Grant Cohort. She presented on her use of “Hamilton,” the blockbuster musical, as the basis for a complete upper-level Communication course that includes listening, pronunciation, vocabulary, note-taking, and idioms. Davina’s materials are designed to align with PCC’s course outcomes as well as LEAP outcomes. Her openly licensed course materials include a workbook, videos, slides, test banks, and a teacher’s guide. A draft version of her work is available to view: Communication with Hamilton, and a revised version will be available to share this winter.


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