Archived Webinar: Inclusive or Exclusive? Examining “Inclusive Access” Textbook Programs

By | December 2, 2023

In an effort to address the high cost of textbooks, campuses are considering models known as “Inclusive Access” or “Equitable Access” that add the cost of course materials to students’ tuition and fees. While the advertised benefits of these programs have been widely discussed, it is also important to examine the potential challenges and long-term implications. Fact sheets for different audiences, including administrators and policymakers, are available at, a website maintained by SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) in consultation with partner organizations.

Join Nicole Allen, Director of Open Education for SPARC, for a discussion of how the “Inclusive Access” model evolved, how it differs from other cost-saving strategies such as OER, and what campuses can do to prioritize equity and inclusion for course materials in their decisions.




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