Introducing the Pacific Northwest OER Directory

By | November 27, 2017

The Pacific Northwest OER Directory is a curated list of resources and toolkits, people, and distribution lists for academic librarians interested in textbook affordability. We define textbook affordability efforts broadly to include use of open educational resources (OER), library resources, open pedagogy and OER-enabled pedagogy, and other related practices.

This project grew out of the OER Pre-Conference at ACRL OR-WA 2016. The pre-conference participants resoundingly agreed that they needed to “de-stress through structure,” in the words of Jennifer Lantrip, Umpqua Community College Librarian. The PNW OER Directory provides that structure by recommending a not-overwhelming list of go-to resources. Most important, the directory’s dynamic people list helps librarians figure out who to ask for help on specific topics – and in the region!

Active participants/site contributors include: Chelle Batchelor, Amy Hofer, Jennifer Snoek-Brown, Kim Read, Ben Tucker, Peter Smith, Jennifer Lantrip, John Schoppert, and Linda Frederiksen. The people list is powered by a Google Form and a script written by Tamara Marnell, Central Oregon Community College.

Visit the PNW OER Directory: 

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