Archived Webinar: Not just a list of links: Find and showcase open resources by subject

By | April 21, 2020

Join OER librarians – from a large university and a smaller community college – to learn about open educational resources across the disciplines. We cover assisting faculty and also assisting our subject librarian colleagues who want to find OER for their courses and liaison areas. Each librarian speaks to how these conversations help our users – and ourselves! – understand OER as dynamic, ever-changing works through open pedagogy and remixing.

Lauren Ray is the Open Education and Psychology Librarian at the University of Washington Libraries, where she leads conversations around OER, working with campus partners to support the adoption and publication of affordable and openly licensed materials.

Jennifer Snoek-Brown is the faculty OER librarian at Tacoma Community College, where she works closely with campus faculty, eLearning, and other librarians to support, develop, and advocate for open and library resources and initiatives.

Link to slides


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