OER grant ideas? Hold that thought…

By | March 2, 2018

Coming this spring, grants will be available to redesign your course using open educational resources (OER). Faculty at Oregon’s public colleges and universities will be able to submit proposals for adopting open resources as is; revising, remixing, or creating ancillary content for OER; and developing new open materials if existing resources don’t meet your course needs.

For guidance on the types of proposals that will be considered, see the call for proposals from the 2015-17 biennium.

The call for proposals will be posted on https://openoregon.org/. In the meantime, start thinking about course redesign, consult with a librarian about available resources for your discipline, and see how others have redesigned their courses with OER on the Open Oregon Resources page.

To receive email notification when the call for grant proposals is open, please provide your contact info: https://goo.gl/forms/mVYc8nvrhgd6nDSz2


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