OER Mentorship Program Launches

By | September 26, 2016

Open Oregon Educational Resources is launching a mentorship program to match Oregon community college faculty with more experience using OER with faculty in the same discipline who are just getting started with open resources.

To become a mentor, fill out the mentor application.

To become a mentee, fill out the mentee application.

What time commitment does the OER mentorship program entail?

  1. Keeping in contact with your mentor/mentee 5-6 times per year by phone, email, web conferencing, or in-person meetings for the course of the year (or nine months).
  2. Receiving/providing support for OER projects in your field (referring to other experts as needed).
  3. Providing feedback at the end of the year via a survey.

Read more about the importance of mentorship in adopting open textbooks.


2 thoughts on “OER Mentorship Program Launches

  1. Denise Reed

    I would like to know what OER’s are available in the area of music history: Jazz History, Rock History, Music Appreciation or Western Music History, History of the music of world cultures.

    D. Reed. Clatsop Community College

    1. openoregon Post author

      Hi Denise, thanks for your comment! You can see Oregon community college adoptions in music courses here: https://openoregon.org/resources/?keyword=mus%20.

      Additional ideas:
      – Lumen offers several Western/classical music appreciation courses. Go to https://courses.lumenlearning.com/catalog/lumen and click on Music in the left-hand menu to see what they have.
      – Annenberg has a video series on music in many styles from a variety of cultures: http://www.learner.org/resources/series105.html#. These videos are free but not open, so it is ok to link out to them from your course but not ok to download or modify them.
      – Another free but not open textbook on rock music: http://www.reasontorock.com/index.html

      If you’re finding gaps in open content, you can check the library’s ebook collection for chapters or books that might be appropriate – but check with a librarian first to make sure that the license will work for classroom use.

      I hope this helps – please feel free to email if you’re not finding what you need. If others see your comment and would like to add other ideas, that would be great.



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