Archived Webinar: “Be True”: We Heart OER Librarians

By | April 21, 2020

OER librarianship is a growing role in our field, as the use of open educational resources and practices gains traction. This webinar explores models for OER librarian positions. These are often created as temporary positions because of funding structures. Our speakers represent four different contexts and will share their perspectives on the shape of their roles and advocacy for future opportunities at their institutions.

Amanda Larson is the Affordable Learning Instructional Consultant at The Ohio State University where she helps instructors assess, find, curate, create and use OER and affordable learning materials. She also coordinates the libraries’ affordable learning initiatives, and provides professional development opportunities and support for her colleagues around open and affordable content. She tweets sassy opinions and ice cream adventures at @maeverawr.

Rayne Vieger is an eLearning and Open Educational Resources Librarian for the University of Oregon, where she leads the library’s initiatives in online learning and OER. This role brings together instructional design, open education, and advocacy.

Meggie Wright is the OER Librarian at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon, where she coordinates all things OER.

Ali Versluis is the Open Educational Resources Librarian at the University of Guelph, which resides on the ancestral lands of the Attawandaron people and the current treaty lands and territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit. In this role, Ali educates and liaises with the university community on open content, licensing, and student centered pedagogy. She tweets half-baked ideas and pictures of plants @aliversluis.

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