2019 Course Redesign Sprint Report

By | February 24, 2020

Open Oregon Educational Resources facilitated Oregon’s first course redesign sprint during Open Ed Week 2019. Funding was available for Oregon community college and university faculty to participate in a one-week online, asynchronous OER course redesign training. The goal of the sprint is to redesign an existing course using open materials in order to save students money (preview the training: https://canvas.instructure.com/courses/1524023).

40 faculty signed up for the sprint. 35 completed the training and redesigned their course during Open Ed Week (find their syllabi and other course materials in an OER Commons folder). 3 faculty completed the training coursework without redesigning their course during the sprint. Open Oregon Educational Resources paid out $27,000 in stipends + $8,984.34 in OPE (“other payroll expenses”) for a total of $35,984.34.

One year later, 34 faculty reported back that a total of 1523 students had enrolled in courses redesigned during the 2019 sprint, for an estimated total savings of $141,274.91. This represents $3.93 in student savings per program dollar spent. The program is being offered for a second time during this year’s Open Education Week (March 2-6, 2020).

Congratulations, 2019 sprinters!


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