Open Oregon Educational Resources facilitated Oregon’s first course redesign sprint during Open Ed Week 2019. Funding was available for Oregon community college and university faculty to participate in a one-week online, asynchronous OER course redesign training. The goal of the sprint is to redesign an existing course using open materials in order to save students money (preview the training:
40 faculty signed up for the sprint. 35 completed the training and redesigned their course during Open Ed Week (find their syllabi and other course materials in an OER Commons folder). 3 faculty completed the training coursework without redesigning their course during the sprint. Open Oregon Educational Resources paid out $27,000 in stipends + $8,984.34 in OPE (“other payroll expenses”) for a total of $35,984.34.
One year later, 34 faculty reported back that a total of 1523 students had enrolled in courses redesigned during the 2019 sprint, for an estimated total savings of $141,274.91. This represents $3.93 in student savings per program dollar spent. The program is being offered for a second time during this year’s Open Education Week (March 2-6, 2020).
Congratulations, 2019 sprinters!