Archived Webinar: A Showcase of the Strategic Digital Accessibility Training in Oregon

By | April 12, 2024

Ensuring digital accessibility is critical to advancing equity-minded open education in Oregon. In this 90-minute webinar, Rob Carr, WebAIM Strategic Accessibility Coordinator, and Veronica Vold, Open Education Instructional Designer, will join colleagues from Oregon’s public colleges and universities to showcase their work in Oregon’s Strategic Digital Accessibility Training.

In Winter and Spring of 2023, this 8-hour training offered three professional learning cohorts with expert consultation for planning campus accessibility initiatives. In this interactive webinar, Rob and Veronica will share an overview of the training model and its statewide implementation. Webinar participants will have the opportunity to engage digital accessibility statements and strategies in real time. The webinar will feature a panel of Oregon colleagues who participated in the training, showcasing their collaboration, creativity, and action planning in the context of their own campus environments. The webinar will close with time for participant questions and discussion from panelists.

Professional Learning Outcomes:

  1. Discuss the challenges and opportunities of creating cross-institutional learning cohorts for digital accessibility in open education.
  2. Name strategies to build capacity for digital accessibility.
  3. Explore openly licensed action plans for implementing accessibility goals with campus stakeholders over time.

Link to slides


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