Archived webinar: Library/Bookstore Integration at Columbia Gorge Community College

By | February 11, 2022

In early 2021, Columbia Gorge Community College (CGCC) launched a pilot program to integrate the library and the bookstore under the auspices of the Library & Learning Commons. This coalition is designed to improve student access to course materials and address ongoing equity and affordability concerns on an individual and statewide level. To accomplish this, the LLC aims to utilize existing resources and connections, minimize the cost to the institution, and maximize what each department is capable of achieving.

This webinar provides an overview the LLC’s current efforts to improve accessibility and opportunities for students, as well as identify our future goals.

Dylan T McManus, CGCC’s Dean of Library and Learning Commons, is an international artist whose focus is on information and authenticity in the post digital age. When not working toward exhibitions, Dylan contributes to the improvement of 21st Century learning environments.

Tori Stanek, MLIS, is CGCC’s Digital Access and Public Services Librarian. She is part of the 2020-2021 SPARC Open Education Leadership Program cohort.

Alyssa Gnall manages the campus store at CGCC. She holds a Master’s in Writing specializing in Book Publishing from Portland State University.

Link to slides


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