This event has been postponed to the spring. Please consider registering for the Oregon Coast Community College conference on December 11 (mileage and hotel can be paid by Open Oregon). More information coming soon!
This event has been postponed to the spring. Please consider registering for the Oregon Coast Community College conference on December 11 (mileage and hotel can be paid by Open Oregon). More information coming soon!
I have class from 11 – 1:00 that day bur can be there in the beginning and end.
Wonderful, we’ll be glad to have you! -Amy
Dear colleagues,
This sounds like a great conference! We in Romance Languages at UO are also interested in OER, and we’ve just started a collaboration with U Texas-Austin, where the COERLL center (a sister to our CASLS center) focuses on open source materials. Please let us know if we can collaborate on anything. Our Spanish Heritage Language program is the group that is going to start up a project very soon. Below are some relevant links, and please let us know if you have any projects that we can learn from as we get started on our OER adventure.
Congrats on your conference! I’ll spread the news up here in Eugene.
Hi Robert, thanks for your nice note! I’ll be in touch soon about a possible collaboration I have in mind :) -Amy