Portland State Faculty Adopt OER to Save Students Money

By | October 24, 2022

This post was contributed by Karen Bjork, Head of Digital Initiatives, Cataloging, & eAccess, Portland State University Library. Karen thanks PSU’s Student Success Librarian, Amy Stanforth,  for helping guide faculty through the OER grant program.

The PDXOpen OER Grant Initiative continues to make an impact across campus. Over the summer, three Portland State University (PSU) faculty made the switch to open educational resources and will save 1,020 PSU students $155,650 this academic year. Donors provide funding for the PDXOpen OER Grant Initiative.

We are pleased to share the following projects:

John Hellermann, Professor in Applied Linguistics
John adopted chapters from Essentials of Linguistics for the following courses: LING 513 Applied Phonetics and Phonology and LING 390 Introduction to Linguistics and replaced a $70 and $220 textbook.

Kimberly Kahn, Associate Professor of Psychology
Kimberly adopted material from Together: The Science of Social Psychology for PSY 342 Self, Attitudes, and Social Influence and replaced a $150 commercial textbook.

Tessa Dover, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Tessa adopted material from Introduction to Psychology: The Full Noba Collection for PSY 375 Social Psychology and replaced a $141 commercial textbook.


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