Are you an instructor who is concerned about the impact of high textbook costs on your students? Attend the Virtual OER Review Workshop and learn more about OER in your field. After the workshop, you’ll receive a stipend if you write a short review of an OER. Read more…
Are you an instructor who is concerned about the impact of high textbook costs on your students? Attend the Virtual OER Review Workshop and learn more about OER in your field. After the workshop, you’ll receive a stipend if you write a short review of an OER. Read more…
Are you an instructor who is concerned about the impact of high textbook costs on your students? Attend the Virtual OER Review Workshop and learn more about OER in your field. After the workshop, you’ll receive a stipend if you write a short review of an OER. Read more…
Are you an instructor who is concerned about the impact of high textbook costs on your students? Attend the Virtual OER Review Workshop and learn more about OER in your field. After the workshop, you’ll receive a stipend if you write a short review of an OER. Read more…
Join Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning thought leader Andratesha Fritzgerald for a 90-minute fall keynote on creating equitable and inclusive learning environments. Read more…
When we talk about the cost of textbooks at Oregon’s universities, how much money are we really talking about? Read more…
During the six years that Oregon has invested statewide funding in textbook affordability, our community colleges have significantly reduced the cost of course materials for two-year transfer degrees. Read more…
Open Oregon Educational Resources is partnering with Copyright First Responders Pacific Northwest to offer this Halloween special! Read more…
Join a statewide 2-part Equity and Open Education Faculty Cohort! Read more…
Open Oregon Educational Resources seeks grant proposals from community college instructors that implement high-impact, culturally relevant/inclusive, collaborative projects in support of open education and reduced textbook costs in lower-division courses. Proposals are due July 11, 2022. Read more…