Statewide OER Symposium Materials

By | May 2, 2023

On April 28, 2023, Oregon hosted a Virtual Statewide OER Symposium.

Session materials are available via PDX Scholar – thank you Portland State University for being our repository host! All of our asynchronous content is archived on this page:

The Statewide Update & OER Champion Awards session recording is available. Read more about this year’s OER Champions.

We’ll be back with our next Statewide OER Symposium in 2025!

Archived Keynote: Design Justice and Design Pedagogies

In her keynote address, Dr. Costanza-Chock shared reflections on critical pedagogies of design justice. We explored questions such as: How might we teach and learn design justice? What would it mean for institutional structures to support a community-based pedagogy of technology design? What are the challenges in an age of the neoliberalization of the educational system? Dr. Costanza-Chock challenged Oregon’s open ed community to build design systems where students analyze the role of design in our world, recommending methods and strategies that instructional designers and open education practitioners in Oregon can take up to design for justice. This presentation included a series of questions and collaborative opportunities for participants to apply concepts and talk together, creating action steps for changing design systems in their own campus communities.

Photo of Sasha Costanza-ChockSasha Costanza-Chock (she/they/ella/elle) is a researcher and designer who works to support community-led processes that build shared power, dismantle the matrix of domination, and advance ecological survival. They are a nonbinary trans* femme. Sasha is known for their work on networked social movements, transformative media organizing, and design justice. Sasha is presently the Head of Research & Sensemaking at and Associate Professor at Northeastern University’s College of Arts, Media, & Design. Sasha is also a Faculty Associate with the Berkman-Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and a member of the Steering Committee of the Design Justice Network ( They are the author of two books and numerous journal articles, book chapters, and other research publications. Sasha’s latest book, Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need, was published by the MIT Press in 2020.

Thank You Symposium Planners:

Stefanie Buck, Oregon State University
Abel de la Cruz, Portland Community College
Amy Hofer, Open Oregon Educational Resources
Susan Payne, Oregon Department of Education
Rayne Vieger, University of Oregon
Kristin Whitman, Oregon Institute of Technology
Meggie Wright, Lane Community College
Taylor Wynia, Open Oregon Educational Resources


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