Thank You, OER Champion

By | April 12, 2024

This post was contributed by Justine Munds, Textbook Affordability Librarian, Clackamas Community College.

In the Fall of 2022, I started as Clackamas Community College’s first Textbook Affordability Librarian. I was tasked with marketing textbook affordability initiatives like Open Educational Resources (OER) to CCC’s faculty, but wanted to make sure I celebrated faculty who had adopted OER on their own before the creation of my position. After some research on the importance of recognizing your institution’s OER champions, I developed a gratitude campaign that doubles as a marketing strategy. Every spring, I send thank you letters, posters, and stickers to faculty who have adopted OER in hopes that they display their OER champion status proudly for others to see (and emulate!).

Read more about the gratitude campaign in an OLA Quarterly article: Thank You, OER Champion: Utilizing a Gratitude Campaign as a Marketing Tool.


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