2016-17 Grant Projects Complete

By | July 13, 2017

The 2016-17 Open Educational Resources grant projects are complete. For project descriptions, see theĀ 2016-17 OER Grants Final Report. To review the OER created by grantees, visit the 2016-17 Grant Cohort Folder in OER Commons.

Taken together, the projects represent collaborations with 143 grantees at 21 different institutions. 8,370 students saved $1,146,788.33 in the 2016-17 biennium as a result of the grant projects converting 108 courses to use open materials. Student savings will increase as the grantees and their colleagues continue to use these OER in their courses.

Congratulations to our grantees and thank you for your hard work!

Many thanks to the Oregon Community College Distance Learning Association for sponsoring this grant funding.

By the numbers

Category Grantees Colleges
/High Schools
Courses Students
Total savings Total spent Savings per
$1 spent
1: Adopt 61 12 69 3,310 $429,823.05 $56,298.98 $7.63
2: Revise/
53 12 25 3,691 $543,202.67 $80,820.84 $6.72
3: Author 22 11 8 1,324 $168.095.25 $112,109.12 $1.50
4: Other 7 4 6 45 $5,667.36 $30,350 $0.19
Totals 143 21 108 8,370 $1,146,788.33 $279,578.94 $4.10


  • Oregon’s community college instructors and staff are embracing OER and want to take advantage of open licenses/academic freedom to customize course materials; rolling adopt grants meet ongoing demand for support.
  • It costs money to pay people; employer-side costs (also known as OPE) should be included in grant budgets.
  • Grant proposals tend to overestimate savings and underestimate the amount of time needed, making it likely that initial projections will be wrong.
  • Grant projects saw the biggest student savings impact when all sections of large courses or whole departments adopted together.

2 thoughts on “2016-17 Grant Projects Complete

  1. Pingback: Continuing Savings from Past OER Grants – openoregon.org

  2. Pingback: Small Dollar Amounts Are Significant – openoregon.org

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