Author Archives: Amy Hofer

The Intersection of Accessibility and Open Educational Resources

The practice of adopting inaccessible, expensive curricular materials is bad for our students, and especially bad for our students with disabilities. We need to ensure access to our programs a whole rather than relying on the individual accommodation process and we can do this in partnership with the open education movement. Read more…

Chemeketa Campus Report

Chemeketa Community College is taking a multi-pronged approach to textbook affordability that reflects years of planning, creating infrastructure, and collaboration. Chemeketa Press will help faculty publish affordable textbooks for their courses. The Library’s Digital Assets Program developed a repository for instructional content. Read more…

2015 OER Special Project Grants Awarded

The 2015 Open Educational Resources Special Project Grants have been awarded. Taken together, the projects represent collaborations with 13 different institutions that have the potential to save thousands of Oregon students an estimated $227,175.26 to $386,921.50 per year. Read more…

Paul Golisch Keynote

On March 13, 2015, Lane Community College hosted Paul Golisch as keynote speaker at a regional OER conference. If you weren’t able to attend you can watch his keynote here!

Columbia Gorge Campus Report

OER is gaining momentum at Columbia Gorge, with faculty adopting in Biology, History, Psychology, Philosophy, RD/WR 115 courses, Pre-college/Dev. Ed., and the CAS (Computer Applications and Office Systems) program. In this post Dan Hall, Sociology Instructor, discusses adopting an open textbook in his course and reports on the Open Textbook Summit that took place last month. Read more…