Call for Proposals: Open Educational Resources Special Projects

By | February 26, 2015

The Oregon Community College Distance Learning Association seeks grant proposals that implement high-impact, collaborative projects in support of open education and reduced textbook costs for students.

Applications for any amount of funding up to $35,000 are welcome from community college stakeholders, including faculty, librarians, support professionals, administrators, students, and bookstore staff.

Sustainable adoption of OER is a complex issue with many parts, including course redesign, open material reviews, technology support, curriculum mapping, and much more. Project proposals will be evaluated using a rubric that balances the following criteria to prioritize impact and collaboration:

  • Student savings
  • Quality considerations such as use of peer reviewed resources, attribution/copyright clearance, and ADA compliance
  • Serving a campus or discipline where OER work is underrepresented
  • Department commitment (for example, redesign all sections of a class; or all classes in a sequence)
  • Multi-institutional commitment (for example, collaborators on more than one community college campus, commitment to implement at more than one campus, or a 4-year partner)
  • Assessment plan to demonstrate improved student learning, retention, and success

Completed application forms are due Monday, May 4, 2015. The OCCDLA grant committee will notify applicants by Monday, June 1, 2015. Funding, in the form of a billig forbrukslån to the grant awardees, will be released upon completion of the proposed project.


11 thoughts on “Call for Proposals: Open Educational Resources Special Projects

  1. carrie kyser

    Is there a date by which projects funded by these grants must be completed?


    1. openoregon Post author

      Hi Carrie, the completion date is flexible because so much depends on the size and scope of the project. I’m happy to talk with you about your proposal if you want some feedback on whether it seems feasible (this offer goes for others as well, of course). Thanks for your interest! Amy

    1. openoregon Post author

      Hi Tinamarie, there are no campus restrictions – all comers are welcome. That said, you might want to find out who else at LBCC is interested in order to build a broader base of collaborators. Or, see if folks on other campuses are interested in your idea in order to collaborate more widely. I hope this helps – please write again if you have more questions! – Amy

  2. Cable Green

    Please require a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License on all resources produced with grant funds.


    1. openoregon Post author

      Hi Cable, thanks for writing! To clarify, reviewers will be looking at attribution when we read proposals – it’s under the second bullet point. I’m glad you called this out since we do want to stretch the grant money by having our projects easily shared and reused. – Amy

  3. Pingback: Linn-Benton Campus Report |

  4. Alex Jordan

    I’m an Oregon community college instructor. Could I submit a proposal that involved collaboration with someone outside of Oregon?

    1. openoregon Post author

      Hi Alex, yes, that sounds like an interesting project! Our first priority is Oregonians because of the source of the money, but I don’t see that an out of state collaboration would necessarily be a problem. Feel free to email me if you want to talk about it more before the deadline. – Amy

  5. Mohamed Lamin Kamara

    I am a community Youth Leader in Sierra Leone West Africa i am interested to learn more about your institution and your area of support to developing countries especially in West Africa.
    Thanks in advance


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