MHCC Librarian Joins Certificate in OER Librarianship Program

By | March 3, 2019

Heather White, Library Technical Services Coordinator, Mt Hood Community College, was accepted to the Open Textbook Network’s inaugural cohort for the Certificate in OER Librarianship. This is the first national program of its kind to offer professional development in open education and open education programming for librarians. Heather’s participation is sponsored by Open Oregon Educational Resources.

The cohort brings together 31 librarians from a diverse range of private and public universities, community colleges, and state-wide consortia spanning 21 states. Heather and her colleagues will develop comprehensive knowledge in open education and open education planning, and will be able to apply that knowledge within their own local context, culture, and goals. In addition, they will focus on the practices necessary to navigate the interpersonal and institutional challenges often encountered when building open education programs.

The Certificate in OER Librarianship is funded by a Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. “This is an exciting opportunity for the OTN to support higher education’s leadership role in creating open education initiatives that support affordability and student success,” said David Ernst, director of the Center for Open Education at the University of Minnesota’s College of Education and Human Development, executive director of the Open Textbook Network, and founder of the Open Textbook Library. “A quality, comprehensive training program will develop strong community anchors for open education in higher ed. We’re honored that IMLS is supporting the OTN to create such a program.”

Heather will present her takeaways from the certificate program in a webinar on April 16, 10:30-11:30 am Pacific time:

This post was adapted from:
“The OTN welcomes the inaugural cohort to the Certificate in OER Librarianship” by Mark Sheaves, Open Textbook Network, licensed under CC BY 4.0
“Open Textbook Network to create open education training program”, Open Textbook Network, licensed under CC BY 4.0


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