Oregon Celebrates Open Education Week, March 6-10, 2023

By | January 12, 2023

Join Oregon’s higher education community in the global celebration of Open Education Week!

Oregon’s Statewide Events Menu: https://openoregon.org/oeweek-2023

Around the State

March 6

Featured program: Registration is open for Oregon’s Virtual OER Symposium, April 28, 2023! (update will post on Monday morning!)

All week: Faculty and student videos on Instagram, hosted by Oregon Institute of Technology
Check the “stories” posted to the Oregon Tech Instagram account all week for 15-second videos of OIT faculty and students talking about the benefits of OER. To view stories, click on the account’s profile picture (with the rainbow circle around it). The stories will also appear as “highlights” on the account’s profile page.

10-11: LBCC OER Grant Panel Q&A, hosted by Linn-Benton Community College
Proposals for LBCC’s 2023/2024 OER Grant Program will open in Spring term. Are you curious about what support LBCC offers? Have an idea for a grant project you’d like to talk through? Drop in with OER & Course Materials Affordability Faculty, Colleen Sanders, for this informal conversation. Join

12-1: OER 101: Getting Started with Open Educational Resources, hosted by Open Oregon Educational Resources
Are you interested in exploring OER for your course, but don’t know where to start? Join Abbey Elder, Open Access & Scholarly Communication Librarian, Iowa State University, for an introduction. Register

March 7

Featured program: Institutions Across Oregon Pilot Open Curricula (update will post on Tuesday morning!)

9-11: On-Time Textbook Adoption Coffee Party, hosted by Linn-Benton Community College
Stop by RoastRunners Cafe to celebrate on-time adoptions with coffee sponsored by Open Oregon Educational Resources! Lawrence Lajoie, Director of Enterprise Services and textbook systems expert, will share information about how to adopt on time, how it helps student success, and why it’s required by the State of Oregon HB2919. Whether you use textbooks, OER, DDA, free online resources, a packet you wrote yourself, or no materials at all, every single course needs to submit a textbook adoption form to the Campus Store. Submitting your textbook adoptions on time to the Campus Store is a great reason to celebrate!

9-1: Center for Teaching Excellence OpenEd Open House, hosted by Linn-Benton Community College
Visit the Center for Teaching Excellence for open drop-in time. Armed with pastries, snacks, desserts, print OER, and a laptop, Colleen Sanders will be available to talk about all things open education, including your course design, open pedagogy, and finding OER for your classes. We’ll be having watch parties for global open education events while enjoying food, beverages, and community!

11-12 Pacific: Oregon’s Statewide Open Education Program, hosted by The University of New Mexico Open Educational Resources Working Group
Amy Hofer, Statewide Open Education Program Director with Open Oregon Educational Resources, will provide an overview of Oregon’s statewide program and share lessons learned along the way. Register

1-2: How to Create OER at the University of Oregon: Introduction to Pressbooks, hosted by University of Oregon
Want to learn more about the OER tools and support available to you at UO? This virtual workshop will introduce you to Pressbooks, an OER publishing tool, and teach you how to get started adopting, adapting and creating OER at UO. Register

3-3:50 On-Time Textbook Adoption Q&A with Lawrence LaJoie & Colleen Sanders, hosted by Linn-Benton Community College
Join us for an open Q&A about everything you always wanted to know about student financial aid, bookstore purchasing, on-time requisitions, reporting OER usage, but were too busy to ask. Join

March 8

Featured program: Spring 2023 Grant Project Updates (update will post on Wednesday morning!)

9-1: Center for Teaching Excellence OpenEd Open House, hosted by Linn-Benton Community College
Visit the Center for Teaching Excellence for open drop-in time. Armed with pastries, snacks, desserts, print OER, and a laptop, Colleen Sanders will be available to talk about all things open education, including your course design, open pedagogy, and finding OER for your classes. We’ll be having watch parties for global open education events while enjoying food, beverages, and community!

12:10-12:55 The impact of the high cost of textbooks on OSU students, hosted by Oregon State University
Did you know that 61% of OSU students don’t purchase their textbooks because of the cost? Hear about the research the Open Educational Resources unit conducted last year on the impact of the cost of textbooks on students. Presented by Stefanie Buck, Director, Open Educational Resources Unit, Oregon State University. Register

1-2: Equity and Open Education Faculty Panel, hosted by Open Oregon Educational Resources
Jen Klaudinyi, Library Faculty at Portland Community College, facilitates a panel of Oregon instructors who have adopted open educational practices with an equity lens. Register

5-6:30: The OSPIRG OER Oscars, hosted by University of Oregon
This event, hosted by OSPIRG and held in the Knight Library Browsing Room, will celebrate UO faculty who have adopted or authored OER. Hear from instructors and students about how OER have impacted teaching and learning at UO, and connect with students, faculty and Library workers excited about open education.

March 9

Featured program: Introducing Oregon’s Statewide Open Education Instructional Design Community of Practice (update will post on Thursday morning!)

9-10: LBCC Open Pedagogy Panel, hosted by Linn-Benton Community College
Open pedagogy is a way of teaching using OER that centers students as co-creators of learning materials. But what does that actually look like? And how could you get started without overhauling a whole course? In this panel, 3 LBCC faculty members who practice open pedagogy will share their experiences, motivations, and tips for getting started. They’ll share principles of open pedagogy, baseline resources, and examples of low-stakes activities for getting started. Join

12:10-12:55 Practical Tips for Incorporating DEI Into Your Course Materials, hosted by Oregon State University
Do you want practical tips for how to make your course resources more diverse, equitable, and inclusive? This 45-minute workshop builds off understanding the importance of incorporating DEI into your course materials and takes a deep dive into how to do it. Presented by Amanda Larson, The Ohio State University. Register

March 10

2-3:30: 90-minute Open Ed Week Keynote: Harnessing the Resilience Within with Mays Imad, hosted by Open Oregon Educational Resources
In this 90 minute session, Mays Imad will draw on the neurobiology of learning to examine the intimate relationship between equity, radical hospitality, and trauma-informed education. Register

4-5pm: Virtual Happy Hour!
Join the Open Oregon Educational Resources team at a virtual happy hour featuring a cocktail/mocktail recipe demonstration with Gracie SchatzRegister and download the recipe card and instructions.

Thank you Open Ed Week 2023 planners:

Holly Gabriel, Southern Oregon University
Kevin Moore, Mt Hood Community College


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