2019 OER Champion Awards
Open Oregon Educational Resources recognizes OER champions who have done outstanding open education work in Oregon’s community colleges and universities. Congratulations champions! Read more…
Open Oregon Educational Resources recognizes OER champions who have done outstanding open education work in Oregon’s community colleges and universities. Congratulations champions! Read more…
This message is for all Oregonians! HB 2214 is a bill to fund affordable textbooks and open education in Oregon’s colleges and universities. Will you please help let our legislators know how important this issue is? If you are represented by a member of the Joint Ways & Means Committee, or the Education Subcommittee of… Read More »
Open Oregon Educational Resources seeks grant proposals that implement high-impact, culturally relevant/inclusive, collaborative projects in support of open education and reduced textbook costs in lower-division courses. Proposals are due July 8, 2019. Read more…
Just when use of OER seems to make us more free, are bookstores becoming more corporate? This post explores how the movement for affordable textbooks is having an impact on college store models in Oregon. Read more…
Oregon’s higher education community had a great turnout March 4-8, 2019, for the global celebration of Open Education Week! Read more…
Oregon college and university representatives showed up in force for the 2019 Cascadia Open Education Summit. Read more…
Heather White, MHCC Librarian, shares her takeaways from the Open Textbook Network’s Certificate in OER Librarianship Program. Read more…
Tim Krause explains readability factors and demonstrates free online tools useful for evaluating and editing graded materials for language learners. Read more…
Nicole Finkbeiner, Michael Daly, and Michaela Willi Hooper discuss what sustainable OER involves for individuals and at scale. Read more…
Michaela Willi Hooper and Meggie Wright discuss their experiences as OER Librarians and suggest practices that lead to successful hiring, onboarding, and support for these positions. Read more…