Statewide OER Symposium Materials

By | June 3, 2019

On May 17, 2019, Oregon hosted a Statewide OER Symposium.

Session materials are available below, and also online via PDX Scholar – thank you Portland State University for being our repository host! 

Open Pedagogy

Photo of Chad FlynnThis workshop will unpack the concepts of Open Pedagogy and Open Educational Practices and share how Chad has used these strategies in his own teaching as a vocational instructor. Participants will have an opportunity to experiment with some of the tools and best practices that are being used in Open Pedagogy and have the opportunity to walk away with a new open educational practices toolkit.

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Chad Flinn is an Electrical Instructor at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, where he is passionate about bringing open practices to trades education. He is currently pursuing his Master of Arts in learning and technology at Royal Roads University in Victoria, British Columbia.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Open Education

Photo of Camille ThomasParticipants in the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Open Education session will gain strategies on how to integrate equitable values into their workflows. This session will cover best practices for centering diverse perspectives. It will also explore design principles which harness the flexibility of OER to include a variety teaching and learning styles.

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Camille Thomas is the Scholarly Publishing Librarian at Texas Tech University and 2018 SPARC Open Education Advocacy Ambassador.

Authoring OER

Photo of Karen LauritsenWhile it may feel like you’re starting on page one, this workshop will focus on the resources, both human and technical, that are already in place to support your writing and publishing process. We’ll identify who can provide local expertise, how your open textbook will be different from others, as well as the publishing platforms available, with an emphasis on Pressbooks. By the end of the session, you will leave with a map for your path forward.

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Karen Lauritsen is a managing director with the Open Textbook Network, where she builds vision and strategy to support open education across a diverse network of higher education institutions and for the common good.

Advocacy for Open and Affordable Materials

Photo of Mo NyamweyaThis workshop’s goal is to prepare and/or better equip participants to be OER advocates on their campus. You’ll learn how to identify and recruit allies, communicate and collaborate with various stakeholders, and create long- and short-term goals for your campus. We will also tackle barriers to OER advocacy and map out solutions to your unique challenges.

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Mo Nyamweya (she/her) is Open Education Coordinator for SPARC, where she supports their Open Education Program.

Hands-On OER

Take first steps to find, remix, or create materials for your class TODAY, with support from six of Oregon’s top-notch librarians and instructional designers.

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  • Tamara Marnell (MLS 2011, Indiana University) is a systems librarian at Central Oregon Community College with experience in web development, graphic design, and publishing in both print and electronic formats.
  • Lindsay Murphy is an instructional technologist at Portland State University, where she helps faculty explore open pedagogy and use technology to support their teaching practices.
  • Kim Read is the Dean of Libraries at Concordia University Portland, where she created and manages their campus-wide OER and textbook affordability initiative.
  • Scott Robison is the Associate Director of Digital Learning and Design in the Office of Academic Innovation at Portland State University. He is highly invested in how Open Pedagogy and Open Educational Practices can transform the teaching and learning experience in higher education.
  • Rondi Schei is an Online Development Facilitator and Economics instructor at Portland Community College who enjoys designing online courses that use OER instructional materials.
  • Michaela Willi Hooper is the OER & Textbook Affordability Librarian at Linn-Benton Community College. She enjoys finding new ways to share knowledge and has created her own materials, or helped others create them, through Youtube, MS Office, Google Docs, Pressbooks, LibGuides, Moodle, and more.

OER Basics

Join OER Librarian Amy Hofer for an explanation of open educational resources. We’ll assume that you have no prior knowledge and start from scratch. By the official 9am Symposium start time, you will understand the basics of open licenses and how they help students save money on textbooks. We will also discuss how to find openly licensed materials and use them in your own course. Bring your questions!

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Amy Hofer, Coordinator, Statewide Open Education Library Services, is the OER librarian for Oregon’s colleges and universities; visit the Open Oregon Educational Resources website at to learn more. Amy is a coauthor of the book “Transforming Information Literacy Instruction: Threshold Concepts in Theory and Practice.” By night she is a fiddler and square dance caller.


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