Oregon Celebrates Open Education Week, March 7-11, 2022

By | January 19, 2022
Poster and tabletop display celebrating OER at Oregon Coast Community College

Photo credit: Shannon McKibben, OCCC Library Assistant

Join Oregon’s higher education community in the global celebration of Open Education Week!

Oregon’s Statewide Events Menu: https://tinyurl.com/oeweek22

The Oregon Coast Community College library is celebrating with an OER display!

Around the State

March 7

Featured program: Equity & Open Education Cohort Model (update will post on Monday morning!)

11-12: Open Legislation in Oregon Panel hosted by Portland State University
Join Open Oregon’s Director, Amy Hofer, to learn about Oregon’s legislation around Open Education and how these laws affect teaching and learning at PSU. Karen Bjork, PSU librarian, and Jaime Wood-Riley, OAI staff, will join the conversation to talk specifically about PSU’s textbook affordability plan, how faculty can label their course materials as low- or no-cost, and what these designations mean for students. Archived Recording

2-3pm: Creative Commons Licenses Deconstructed
Join Copyright First Responder Sue Kunda for an in-depth explanation of Creative Commons open licenses. We’ll assume that you have no prior knowledge and start from scratch. Bring your questions! Archived Recording

4-5pm: OER in Oregon Roundtable Discussion hosted by Oregon Open Learning Team
To commemorate Open Education Week 2022, the Oregon Open Learning team will be hosting the OER in Oregon Roundtable Discussion focused on the use and development of OER by Oregon educators. This hour-long session will include 45 minutes of moderated discussion with a panel of experienced users and creators of OER and 15 minutes of audience Q&A. Archived Recording

March 8

Featured program: Blueprint for Success in College and Career, Oregon Edition (update will post on Tuesday morning!)

10am-12pm: Towards Sustainable OER Creation for Ethnic Studies with Tatiana Bryant hosted by Portland State University
Tatiana Bryant’s current research focuses on perceptions of OER and Open Access amongst scholars who identify as Black, Indigenous, and people of color, with an emphasis on Ethnic Studies faculty and graduate students. Ethnic Studies is a discipline founded with a unique ethos centered in community building, public scholarship, and racial and social justice. This mission aligns with the philosophy of Open, specifically the creation and accessibility of OER. Despite this ideological alignment, there is a substantial lack of OER for Ethnic Studies. In this keynote, she will discuss her latest study on the barriers to sustainable OER creation for Ethnic Studies and some potential interventions to counter them. Archived Recording

12-1pm: Student Panel
Students are often at the center of what motivates faculty and institutions to dedicate resources to promote open education and affordable textbooks. A panel of Oregon community college and university students will share their experiences and advice regarding textbook choices, facilitated by the Oregon Student Association Legislative Director. Archived Recording

March 9

Question of the Day: Who would you like to say thank you to for help on your OER journey?
Suggested hashtags: #OEWeek, #OEWeekOregon, #OEWeek[your campus]

11am-12pm: Representing the Underrepresented: Adding Culturally Responsive and Anti-racist Content to Your Course Materials and OER hosted by Oregon State University
Presented by Cara Lee and Jess Brooks from Portland Community College, this interactive presentation will share concrete examples of diverse representation in a math class for liberal arts using open educational resources (OER), including biographies, names, pronouns and racial context. While the examples were designed for a math class, these tactics can be applied to any subject area.

March 10

Featured program: Targeted OER Pathways for HDFS and SOC (update will post on Thursday morning!)

10-11:30am: Open Education Faculty Panel hosted by Portland State University
Many faculty at PSU have been involved in the Open Education movement. Join us to learn from a PSU faculty panel as they discuss how Open Education has affected their teaching practice and how Open Education relates to equity and inclusion. Archived Recording

12-1pm: Faculty Panel on OER in Promotion and Tenure
Christy VanRooyen, Program Director for the Environmental Science Program at Oregon Tech, facilitates a panel of Oregon faculty members who included their open education work in promotion and tenure dossiers. Panelists will share their thoughts on successfully integrating open education into their promotion and tenure packages. Archived Recording

March 11

Featured program: Targeted Open Pathways for Criminal Justice (update will post on Friday morning!)

10-11:30am: 90-minute Open Ed Week Keynote: Towards Openness that Promotes Social Justice with Maha Bali
Join thought leader Maha Bali for a 90-minute interactive webinar exploring perspectives on the design and practice of open education that promotes social justice. Archived Recording

4-5pm: Join the Open Oregon Educational Resources team at a virtual happy hour featuring a cocktail/mocktail recipe demonstration with Gracie Schatz. Register, download the recipe card, and preview the instructions.

4-5:30pm: Oregon State OER book launch party hosted by Oregon State University
Join us to celebrate Oregon State open textbook authors with a virtual book launch party. A panel discussion of OSU authors will provide insight into their OER experiences. If you think you may want to adopt, adapt or author an openly licensed textbook, this will be a great opportunity to ask questions about the process. Door prizes will be given; you must be present to win.

Thank you Open Ed Week 2022 planners:

Holly Gabriel, Southern Oregon University
Christy VanRooyen, Oregon Tech


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