On-Time Course Materials Adoption Report

The purpose of the on-time course materials adoption policy is to provide transparent cost information to students at the point of registration so they can plan their entire budget for the upcoming term. This report shows that Oregon’s public community colleges and universities are making progress in communicating costs to students. Read more…

Continuing Savings from Past OER Grants (Third Report)

In the five OER grant programs for which past data is available, the estimated cumulative student savings is $23,080,669 since 2015, or about $14 in student savings per program dollar spent. Read more…

Evaluating Oregon’s Textbook Affordability Policies

Ramona Bias, Adriana Flowers, Esmeralda Flores, Tram Anh Hoang, and Katie Inger, Master of Public Administration students at the University of Oregon School of Planning, Public Policy and Management, completed a capstone research study on the effectiveness of textbook affordability policy implementation at Oregon’s 24 public community colleges and universities. Read more…

Estimated 2021-23 Student Savings in No-Cost/Low-Cost Courses

Courses with the no-cost and low-cost designation in the schedule at 20 institutions are estimated to have saved 900,000 students (by headcount) in 50,000 course sections $70 million in two academic years. Read more…

Modifying and Creating OER Workshop

Are you an instructor who wants nuts-and-bolts help creating or adapting open educational resources (OER)? Register for a workshop taking place November 13, 2023, 12-1 Pacific to get started. After the workshop, you’ll receive a stipend if you practice modifying or creating OER and send us a link to your work. Read more…
