Textbook Affordability Plan Retreat

Register now to attend an online retreat in support of the textbook affordability plan requirement in HB 2213, facilitated by Jeff Gallant, Program Director of Affordable Learning Georgia. Read more…


H5P for Assessment

Mick Davis, Sage Freeman, and Monica Marlo demonstrate how H5P can be used to create assessments as embeddable learning objects, in the learning management system, and in Pressbooks. Read more…


Continuing Savings from Past OER Grants

In the two OER grant programs for which prior data is available, the estimated cumulative student savings is $4,658,871.75, or about $14 in student savings per program dollar spent. Read more…

Estimated 2017-19 Student Savings in No-Cost/Low-Cost Courses

Courses with the no-cost and low-cost designation in the schedule at 19 institutions are estimated to have saved over 375,000 students (by headcount) in 21,000 course sections approximately $34 million in two academic years. Read more…