Tag Archives: lane community college

Continuing Savings from Past OER Grants (Second Report)

In the four OER grant programs for which prior data is available, the estimated cumulative student savings is $14,108,853 since 2015, or about $12 in student savings per program dollar spent. Read more…

2019-21 Grant Projects Complete

The 71 OER grant projects in the 2019-21 cohort represent 17 institutions and saved nearly 20,000 Oregon students over $2.4 million in 143 courses during the 2019-21 biennium, approximately $5.24 in student savings for each $1 of grant money spent. Read more…

2021-23 OER Grants Awarded

The 2021-23 Open Oregon Educational Resources grants have been awarded. Congratulations to our new cohort of grantees! Read more…

Estimated 2019-21 Student Savings in No-Cost/Low-Cost Courses

Courses with the no-cost and low-cost designation in the schedule at 18 institutions are estimated to have saved over 600,000 students (by headcount) in 32,000 course sections almost $50 million in two academic years. Read more…