OER Grant Update: Don’t Defend Your Course Material
How do we feel when our students apply critical thinking to our own teaching approaches and material? This space is a tremendous opportunity for growth. Read more…
How do we feel when our students apply critical thinking to our own teaching approaches and material? This space is a tremendous opportunity for growth. Read more…
The 2023-25 Open Oregon Educational Resources grants have been awarded. Congratulations to our new cohort of grantees! Read more…
In the five OER grant programs for which past data is available, the estimated cumulative student savings is $23,080,669 since 2015, or about $14 in student savings per program dollar spent. Read more…
The 71 OER grant projects in the 2021-23 cohort represent 27 institutions and saved 9,160 Oregon students over $1.2 million in 78 courses, approximately $2.89 in student savings for each $1 of grant money spent. Read more…
Courses with the no-cost and low-cost designation in the schedule at 20 institutions are estimated to have saved 900,000 students (by headcount) in 50,000 course sections $70 million in two academic years. Read more…
Open Oregon Educational Resources recognizes OER champions who have done outstanding open education work in Oregon’s community colleges and universities. Congratulations champions! Read more…
Jen Klaudinyi, Library Faculty at Portland Community College, facilitates a panel of Oregon instructors who have adopted open educational practices with an equity lens. Read more…
The 2021-23 and 2022-23 OER grant cohorts have saved over 7200 students an estimated $1M since July 2021. The cohort represents 48 different projects to adopt, adapt, and create OER for courses at 27 institutions. Read more…
Oregon college and university representatives attended and presented at the 2022 Open Education Conference. Read more…
Open Oregon Educational Resources grantees presented at the 2022 Oregon Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference. Read more…